Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 11/24/21

Year: 2021


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gökhan İbrahim ÖĞÜNÇ Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi Başkanlığı, Güvenlik Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Adli Bilimler, Malzeme Bilimi ve Teknolojileri, Adli Tıp
Genel Kamu Hukuku, Kamu Yönetimi
Uluslararası İlişkiler, Polis ve İç Güvenlik Araştırmaları, Siyaset Bilimi, Uluslararası Güvenlik

All rights reserved. The Journal of Security Sciences published twice a year; is a nationally peer-reviewed journal based on the principles of publishing, independent, unprejudiced and double-blind arbitration.

In its published articles, the Editorial Board observes the highest ethical and scientific standards in relation to the issue and the requirement not to bear commercial concern.

The opinions, arguments, thesis and thoughts within the articles are reflections of the authors and do not, in anyway, represent those of the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy or Security Sciences Institute. 

Articles can be used for academic purposes with reference to The Journal of Security Sciences.

Articles sent to The Journal of Security Sciences will not be sent back.

Our journal is "Open Access" and access to full texts of the published works is free and the literary language is Turkish and English.

The Journal of Security Sciences is being searched in the database of TR Index, Academia Social Sciences Index (ASOS), Social Sciences Reference Index (SOBİAD) and Arastirmax Scientific Publication Index and DOI number is received to the articles.

The submitted manuscripts should not be published elsewhere. However, if work presented in a conference (convention, symposium, seminar etc.) but not published in conference proceedings, it will be accepted on condition that the presentation date and place is specified. The Journal of Security Sciences is a peer-reviewed international journal which is published twice a year. Only original manuscripts which have not already been published or are being considered by another magazine or journal will be taken into consideration. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are published after the review of Editorial Board. All publication rights of the articles published belong to the journal, while the authors are responsible for the content of the articles.

Journal of Security Sciences covers the following topics about the concept "security" as well:

Security Management

International Security and Terrorism

Crime Investigation


Security Philosophy

International Relations

Crime Prevention Strategies

Public Relations

Forensic Science

International Law

Fight Against Crime and Criminality







Public Diplomacy

Behavioral Sciences


Public Administration

Criminological Studies


Numerical Methods

1.1. General Principles
• Authors are required to submit the workplace info, contact addresses/numbers/email addresses and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number.
• Manuscripts can be Turkish or English. Submitted manuscripts should be clear and understandable.
• Articles should be between 4000 and 7000 words including the footnotes. Book reviews are required to be between 1000-1500 words.
• Articles must have ‘Öz’ in Turkish and ‘Abstract’ in English at the beginning and they must be written in between 150-200 words. Both ‘Öz’ in Turkish and ‘Abstract’ in English need to cover the purpose, method, hypothesis and results of the study briefly. Studies written in English should present the English ‘abstract’ before and those written in Turkish should present the Turkish ‘Öz’ before. Both Turkish ‘Öz’ and English ‘Abstract’ must be typed in single space, 9 point font and in italics. Also in both versions of the articles, at least three or at most seven key words must be added to the abstracts.
• Author’s academic title, position, institutional email address and ORCID number should be stated in a footnote in the first page starting with a “ * ” 9 points font size. (Assoc. Prof., Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy Security Sciences Institute, editorgbd@jandarma.gov.tr, ORCID:… i.e.)
• Tables, figures and illustrstions should be numbered consecutively, captioned and cited in the text in sequential order. Captions should before the table and after the figures/illustrarions.
• Equations should be numbered consecutively. That number should be in parenthesis on the right side of the page.
• Authors need to refrain using footnotes and incorporate them with the main body.
• Technical terms need to be used with quotation marks and authors need to refrain from using abbreviations without providing the full form of them at first appearance in the text.
1.2. Principles Regarding Page Layout
• Manuscripts should have single line spacing, Times New Roman font, 11 font size, (Top 4.6 mm, bottom 4.6 mm, left and right indent 4 mm, gutter 0, header 4.6 mm, footnote 5 mm, paper size A4.
• Manuscripts should start with an introduction section, be separated into proper sections afterwards and following with a conclusion section. Bibliography needs to continue with the conclusion section and the last section should be the attachments section.
• Without numbered to introduction, conclusion and bibliography; sections should be numbered consecutively. Symbols such as (*, -) can be used after the 3rd level segment. Section headings;
1.1. Second Level Segment (Align Left, Bold, First Letters are Capital)
2.1.1. Third Level (Align Left, Italic, First Letters are Capital)
• Tables, figures and illustrations should be numbered (Table-1., Chart-2. ie.). Tables names should be on top of the tables and centered; names of the figures should be under the figures and centered as well.
• Contents of the tables and figures should be Times New Roman and 9 points font size (can be used as 9 or 11 according to the page layout). Statistical numbers are expected to have no more than 3 digits after decimal point. Tables, figures and illustrations should be cited if needed.
• After the first page, authors name should be in the header in even number pages and name of the manuscript should be on the odd page headers in 9 points font size.
1.3. Guideline for Citiations
• References in the body of your manuscripts should be in (Author, Date) format. When directly quoting from a text, you must include a page number in the citation as well.
• If you are using more than one reference by the same author/authors, the earlier dated publications should be listed first in the bibliography. If it is published in the same year, authors need to assign letter suffixes after the year i.e.: "Pala (1981a) makes similar claims...".
• Citiations for the publications with 3 and more authors should have their full names written for the first citing and then use “(The first authors surname) et al. for subsequent entries. If there are more than 5 authors, first author’s name should be followed with “et al.”
• If author is directly quoting from a work, then it will need to include the author, year of publication, and page number for the reference (preceded by "p."). Introduce the quotation with a signal phrase that includes the author's last name followed by the date of publication in parentheses.
• If the author is quoting more than 40 words, it is required to start the quotation on a new line, indented two tabs from the left margin, i.e. in the same place one would begin a new paragraph.
• In case of citing a periodic publication without a specific author name, the name of the publication can be used instead of author name. (Wall Street Journal, 2009 i.e).
• In case of parenthetical citation including two or more authors, it is required to order them alphabetically, separated by a semi-colon. (Abrams, 2000; Sullivan and Hellman, 1999).
• In case the source quotes or refers to another source, indirect sources should be cited as (Blau, 1964 cited in Tamer, 2013)
• Online articles follow the same guidelines for printed articles. Citiations should include all information the online host makes available.
• Authors may add an acknowledgement section at the end of the manuscripts to express thanks and pay their tribute.
1.4. Guideline for Reference List
• Reference list should be 12 points font size and written alphabetically. There should not be any other kind of categorization in the reference list.
• Book references won’t be having page numbers but the articles will show the pages of the article in where it is published.
• Online sources should show the access date.
• This Journal utilizes APA 6th Reference Style with some minor differences. Please advise the manual for further info and details. (https://www.apastyle.org/manual)
• Authors surnames first letter should be capitalized and include only the first letter of the name. If there is any DOI number of the reference, it should be included in the reference as well. Please find the below examples of common references.
Sarı, G. (2013). Ermeni meselesi ışığında Süryaniler. Ankara: Barış Platin Publishing.
Bloch, S. ve Whiteley, P. (2010). Düz bir dünyada yöneticilik (2nd Edition). (Ü. Şensoy, Trans.) İstanbul: İş Bankası Publishing.
Avcı, E. (2017). Türkiye’de terörizmin tarihsel seyri. G.Sarı ve C.K.Demir. (Ed.), Güvenlik bilimlerine giriş (pp. 287-314). Ankara: Jandarma Publishing.
Ak, T. (2018, Mayıs). Silahlı insansız hava araçlarının kullanımında karar mekanizmaları. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(1), 111-130. doi:10.28956/gbd.422803
Ersoy, O. (1973). Kağıt. Türk Ansiklopedisi içinde (Vol. 21, pp.112-115). Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.
Unpublished Papers
Aplak, H.S. (2010). Karar verme sürecinde bulanık mantık bazlı oyun teorisi. (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Gazi University, Ankara.
Conference Proceedings
Sarı, G. ve Ak, T. (2018). Güvenlik alan yeterlilikleri ve akademik çalışmalar. In H.Kahya (Ed.), 1.Uluslararası Eğitim ve Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Ufuklar Kongresi bildiriler kitabı (pp. 130-134). İstanbul: ASOS. doi:10.21733/ibad.417321
Electronic Sources
Shotton, M.A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Retrieved August 18, 2011, from http://www.ebookstore.tandf.co.uk/ html/index
Unknown Authored Online Articles
New child vaccine gets funding boost. (2001). Retrieved February 21, 2012, from http://news.ninemsn.com.au/health/story_13178.asp.
Webber, S. (2008, October 10th). Information literacy in work place contexts. Retrieved October 22, 2018, from http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/.
1.5. Guideline for Book Reviews
Book reviews are detailed reviews of claims and subjects of the books. The review should include an introduction, discussion (method, scope and contents) and conclusion. Introduction section is a summary of the claims and main arguments in the book. In the discussion sections, book reviewers are expected to discuss the method, scope and contents of the book in a whole. The conclusion section talks critically about the general impressions of the reviewer on the book and the contribution the book makes.
Book Review titles should include the name of the book, author, in which city it is published, publication year and ISBN. At the bottom of the first page the book reviewers need to include their title, the institution they work and email address corresponding to an asterisk.

1.1. General Principles
The Journal of Security Sciences is a biannual journal indexed in both national and international indexes which offers theoretical and applied research, analysis and articles on “security” and published by the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy since 2012. The Journal of Security Sciences is published twice in a year, May and November, as in print and online accessible journal.
The main publishing languages of the Journal are Turkish and English. The title, keywords and the abstract of the articles submitted to the journal must be both in Turkish and English.
The Journal of Security Sciences publishes original articles and book reviews focused on “security” aspect from different fields including but not limited to human sciences and public sciences on politics, law, public administration, management, geography, history, communication, economy, informatics, psychology, sociology etc. Submitted articles must not be published nor submitted to any other publications before. Conference/congress/seminar papers are accepted only if they are not previously published as full text and certain info such as presentation date and place provided.
Submitted manuscripts must follow the grammar rules. Therefore, the author is responsible of problems arising from the breaches of grammar rules of their articles.
Articles which fail to follow the Journal principles and guidelines may not be accepted for reviewing process. Editorial Board has the authority to send articles to reviewers, to send back articles to authors after reviews, to change articles formats, to abbreviate it or to decide not to accept articles which fail to follow the academic integrity and publishing standarts.
The submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind reviewing process; articles are reviewed by referees whreas book reviews are reviewed by editorial board. To be accepted for publication in the Journal of Security Sciences, articles need to be positively peer reviewed at least by two referees. After articles are accepted for publishing, if there are more articles than the quota for the immediate volume, the articles are automatically shifted for the next volume. If an article is not published this way within a year, it is withdrawn from publishing list.
The copyright for the published articles and book reviews belongs the Journal of Security Sciences, however authors remain responsible for the contents of publications. The Journal of Security Sciences is under no circumstances responsible for the contents of the articles/book reviews. Feedbacks and all relevant information about the articles/book reviews are stored by the Journal of Security Sciences for 5 years.
The Journal of Security Sciences is free of charge, hence no money is paid to the authors for the copyrights.
1.2. Ethical Principles
Journal of Security Sciences puts great importance on publication ethics regarding the development of the scientific information. Therefore, such principles like Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing regulated by organizations like Committee of Publication ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/) and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (https://doaj.org/publishers#licensing) are strictly followed.
Any kind of research applying either qualitative or quantitative data collection approach and using any methods like questionnaire, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment and discussion methods and involving people or animals (including materials and the data) for scientific or experimental purposes, and retrospective studies require research ethics committee approval regarding the law on the protection of personal data.
Moreover, it is required to note not only that informed consent form was taken in case reports, and that the permission to use their scales, surveys, photographs was given by the owners, but also that the regulations on the copyright about ideas and art pieces were strictly followed.
This academic journal sticks to principles like open-access and free of charge in scholarly publishing and thus never requires any fee for the admission of articles from their writers. The complete content is open to access online and full-text at the exact date declared and without any limitation.
2.1. Rights and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
The Editorial Board of Journal of Security Sciences has the right and responsibility to decide the publication of articles and book reviews by taken into accounts feedbacks received from referees. The Editorial Board recommends publishing guides on (https://publicationethics.org) and promotes academic integrity.
Editorial Board has the right to decline articles and book reviews which contain plagiairised metarials or breach principles on academic integrity.
Submitted manuscripts must not be published or scheduled to appear in any other publications. Accepting a manuscript for peer reviewing process does necessarily mean a confirmation for publication.
2.2. Rights and Responsibilities of Author
Articles and book reviews submitted to the Journal of Security Sciences have to be original works of the authors. Submitted manuscripts should not be in any kind of submitting process in any other publishing platforms. The authors are responsible for the validity and confirmation of the bibliography. Plagiarism is not tolerated.
Author has the right to withdraw submitted manuscripts at any time before Editorial Board approves publication. In such cases, authors must inform the Board as early as possible.
In case of translated manuscripts, authors who write the original work and translators are both responsible for the contents and any breaches of academic integrity principles.
In cases where the manuscripts are sent back to authors for corrections after peer reviewed, the corrected manuscripts need to be submitted within 2 months.
In cases where the authors disagree with the feedbacks given by referees and Editorial Board they have a right to object. In such cases, authors need to submit their own thoughts and critics regarding the feedbacks given by referees and Editorial Board in written for re-consideration..
2.3. Responsibilities of Referees
The Journal ensures that manuscripts are reviewed by using a double-blind peer-review method. Referees are responsible for keeping the manuscripts confidential and not using the knowledge and information they encounter via manuscripts for personal gain.
All reviews and information on manuscripts are strictly confidential and must not be shared with others. Referees are not allowed to contact with the authors unless allowed otherwise by the Editorial Board.
Referee is expected to inform the Journal of Security Sciences immediately in case of breaches arising from academic integrity during the review process if they determine any. Referees are expected to be objective and personal criticisms towards authors are not allowed.



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